Sunday, October 30, 2011

Looking for Steak? Try "The Steakhouse"

Had a walk around Clark Quay and suddenly feel like eating something nice so i decided to do a search online to check whether there are any good steaks around. (It has been time of the year that i craved for some steak, nice one.)

Going online, and done a search and found saw some recommendations about this restaurant called The Steakhouse and mostly they have some good reviews except one or two where the customers complained of bad service. Anyway i am craving for good steak so what the heck, lets give it a try.

The restaurant has quite a good ambience. I arrived quite early about 6pm, just when they are opening for dinner, so i am the only guest besides another table that is only drinking some beer.

I am brought to a seat, and given a menu to select my steak. There are about 4 or 5 choices of steak and prices are quite reasonable considering that it is a steakhouse with some fine cuts of beef. If you know some steakhouses charge extremely high prices for fine cuts of steak. I ordered a Filet Mignon and Grilled Asparagus.

Filet Mignon is is a steakcut of beef taken from the tenderloin. It is is the most tender cut of beef, and is the most expensive. As it contains less connective tissue, it is the most tender portion of the whole cow.

Filet Mignon (300g) Medium
Medium Filet Mignon with red wine sauce

The steak is served chargrilled and the it is placed together with just some salad and half a tomato. The purpose of such simple presentation is to have the steak piece stand out, which i appreciate. The size is of the 300g steak is slightly smaller than the size of a guy's clenched fist. Since it is a medium raw style that i had ordered, blood can still be seen in the cut steak.

The 1st bite into the steak have a slight tinge of blood taste, but subsequent bites of the steak do not taste of any blood. The saltiness of the meat is just nice. It is a wonderful piece of meat i would say. Though there are slight tinge of blood in the meat, there are no blood that flows out during the subsequent cuts of the meat.

The red wine sauce is the perfect sauce that compliments the meat. If you do not like the taste of blood in your mouth, this sauce covers the blood smell easily.

Grilled Asparagus

The asparagus are quite huge but they have cut it into half. There is a pinch of rock salt on the asparagus and also olive oil can be seen at the bottom of the bowl.

The asparagus is quite good, and though i am not a big fan of asparagus, i still finished the whole portion of them. It is not overly cooked but has that slighly saltish taste.

The Steakhouse Service attitude
I had seen quite some bad comments on the service attitude. I am served with a lady waitress that dont seem to like me. She couldnt give me much introduction to the portions of the meat that they have on their menu. This lady also told me outright that they do not serve water. What saved the day for their service is that another male waiter served me a glass of water after serving me the steak and asparagus. I guess he sensed that i may have a hard time swallowing the steak without any liquid. Quite a considerate service. I guess it depends on who is serving you.

RatingsFood Presentation: 4/5
Food Taste: 4/5
Service Attitude: 3.5/5
Cleanliness: 4/5
Ambience: 4/5
Value for Money: 3.5/5
The Steakhouse in Clark Quay is a good place for some good steak with a reasonable price. Their service level may be dragged down by some individual but it is definitely a good place to go for some fine steak.



  1. I guess, now, I have to go there! To see for myself!

  2. **the files are grouped by date format in the same directory, not individually.**
    # Get the files which should be moved, without folders
    $files = Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\Thomas\OneDrive\OneDrive Camera Roll' -Recurse | where {!$_.PsIsContainer}

    # List Files which will be moved

    # Target Filder where files should be moved to. The script will automatically create a folder for the year and month.
    $targetPath = 'C:\Users\Thomas\OneDrive\pictures\Albums'

    foreach ($file in $files)
    # Get year and Month of the file
    # I used LastWriteTime since this are synced files and the creation day will be the date when it was synced
    $year = $file.LastWriteTime.Year.ToString()
    $month = $file.LastWriteTime.Month.ToString()

    # Out FileName, year and month

    # Set Directory Path
    $Directory = $targetPath + "\" + $year + "\" + $month
    # Create directory if it doesn't exsist
    if (!(Test-Path $Directory))
    New-Item $directory -type directory

    # Move File to new location
    $file | Move-Item -Destination $Directory

  3. managed service account - allows the server to manage the password policy.

    Webspy tool to monitor what activity is done on a machine.

    local GPO -> Site GPO -> Domain GPO -> OU GPO
    OU will take precedence over domain and domain take over SITE and site over local

    So for gpo settings conflict, if it is not configured then it will take the parent GPO settings.

    MS sites to learn more

    deep dive into credential guard - Microsoft virtual academy

    technet virtual lab

    script repository - to learn about powershell.(this is mircosoft script center, where they have a repository for the scripts for most GUI activities, signed by microsoft so its safe)

    Federated account - authenticated by own DC and then share the claims info to the partners that it is trying to access the resources. Eg connect to FB features.

    microsoft map (microsoft assessment and planning toolkit)

    Audit events
    account logon event - turn on in the dc - authentication to AD.
    logon events - enable on workstations to keep track who logon logoff.

    windows defender aoolication guard - works with edge
    windows defender application control - use same tech as device guard. for enterprise version.
    Exploit guard - replaces emet.
    controlled folder access - certain folders that cannot be accessed by any how.


    **the files are grouped by date format in the same directory, not individually.**
    # Get the files which should be moved, without folders
    $files = Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\Thomas\OneDrive\OneDrive Camera Roll' -Recurse | where {!$_.PsIsContainer}

    # List Files which will be moved

    # Target Filder where files should be moved to. The script will automatically create a folder for the year and month.
    $targetPath = 'C:\Users\Thomas\OneDrive\pictures\Albums'

    foreach ($file in $files)
    # Get year and Month of the file
    # I used LastWriteTime since this are synced files and the creation day will be the date when it was synced
    $year = $file.LastWriteTime.Year.ToString()
    $month = $file.LastWriteTime.Month.ToString()

    # Out FileName, year and month

    # Set Directory Path
    $Directory = $targetPath + "\" + $year + "\" + $month
    # Create directory if it doesn't exsist
    if (!(Test-Path $Directory))
    New-Item $directory -type directory

    # Move File to new location
    $file | Move-Item -Destination $Directory

